Home Forums General Discussion Beginner advice please!!

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  • Author
    • #15271
      Blake Hooe
      • Total Posts: 1

      I have been kayaking recreationally quite a bit growing up on smaller rivers like the St Francis and big creek by Sam a baker. I have always rented boats but I am interested in purchasing a boat and stepping up to more whitewater kayaking. I have no idea where to begin though. I would greatly appreciate any advice anyone could give as far as a good beginner boat, rivers to start out at, and things I should learn before I go out. I literally know nothing so any information helps. I am going to watch some YouTube videos but if anyone has any advice it would be great! Thanks again!

    • #15273
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      Welcome Blake! Where do you live? I’d love to help you out with anything you want to know or learn. I enjoy helping people find their first boat and gear. Summer is a great time to start on the St. Francis putting in at Roselle access. Depending on water levels of course. Shoot me a text or call fiveseventhree 576 fifteen11

    • #15276
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      I went to Highschool with Blake and sent him here – someone give him a hand if you can since he just missed the clinic.  Cheers!

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