AT Paddle Left At D-bridge Saturday

Home Forums Lost and Found AT Paddle Left At D-bridge Saturday

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    • #9771
      Casara Heaton
      • Preferred Boat: Kayak
      • Years Paddling: 15
      • Total Posts: 139

      David Balicki and I are on the hunt for his AT (Adventure Technology) Paddle, which was left at D bridge this Saturday.  We left about 6pm, so likely it was found Sunday morning.

      The blade would have the AT logo on it, like this:


      • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Casara Heaton.
    • #9892
      Casara Heaton
      • Preferred Boat: Kayak
      • Years Paddling: 15
      • Total Posts: 139

      This was found and delivered safely back.

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