Arial view of Levi's run

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    • #5047
      • Total Posts: 418

      Ok so I got to the saint early enough to walk to cats paw and take the quadcopter over the river to show the lines at 16 1/2 inches yesterday, as to my surprise Levi was coming down the river, So what better way to show the lines then to follow levi :-)!! I honestly don’t think he knew I was following him at the time he told me he heard a buzzing “BIG BEE’S out today”, he said haha. Ok so yeah I followed him through big drop, catspaw and double drop I’ve never seen Levi paddle before today He’s awesome! one of these day’s hopefully Ill be able to take a run with him and learn. well anyway’s here’s the video that I took of him. Now if your checking this at 4:45 am it’s prob not processed yet so you won’t be able to view it but check back in about 20 mins it should be done by then. I’m rushing the post due to lack of sleep 🙂 good job out there today levi!

    • #5050
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      All my favorite lines ! Love the slide boof, straight line at Cats Paw ! Long time since we paddled grasshopper ! Save your euros, and get down here to the island buddy. Thanx for showing up back in October. I miss the Saint, and my MEGA Rockers ! Still getting used to the Burn III.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Freddie Carter. Reason: Push da car ! Get yo Momma to push da car !
    • #5053
      • Total Posts: 418

      Boy I just noticed something my lack of sleep caught up to me… I put wrong date down thanks Dan for catching that lol. I’m going to leave it Levi. But on your DVD I’ll change it.

    • #5055
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      Thanks for the footage. Nice shots. Getting better with the drone!

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Levi Rhodes.
      • #5061
        • Total Posts: 418

        No prob brother! It is a little easier to fly without cables From the gates:-) I will meet up with u at race with a cd for ya. Thanks for the props.

    • #5060
      • Total Posts: 679

      Great coverage Jacob.  I can’t believe the quadcopter has that kind of range – Big Drop to Double Drop.  Where were you controlling it from?  Was this from Sat or Sun?

      – jw

      • #5063
        • Total Posts: 418

        Thanks for the props too JW

    • #5062
      • Total Posts: 418

      Jw it was Saturday and I could actually have gone further if I would have flown higher and switched channels I can actually go approx 3 miles with the right. Height I was at catspaw rock below the observation deck.

    • #5078
      Pam Huddleston
      • Total Posts: 3

      Awesome video!  So cool to see the river from that prospective.

      • #5083
        • Total Posts: 418

        If yall are interested i will be posting one of just the water and the different lines from above ill post it on here

      • #5085
        • Total Posts: 418

        thank you pam it was def fun to follow him through there next one i follow im going to get even closer i was testing the waters on that flight lol

    • #5086
      Casara Heaton
      • Preferred Boat: Kayak
      • Years Paddling: 15
      • Total Posts: 139

      Very Nice Shots of the Big 3 on the Saint at a great level (15-16″)!

    • #5094
      • Total Posts: 313

      Cool Stuff Jacob;   Looks like you know how to pilot that drone really well.

      take it to the races for sure!


    • #5097
      • Total Posts: 418

      Ill be posted up on friday gate set up hopefully… Helping then breaking off and videoin them for race weekend video im gonna make.

    • #5116
      Kevin Anders
      • Total Posts: 10

      Real nice footage! Thanks for sharing.

      • #5120
        • Total Posts: 418

        Thanks yeah Im going to be at the race with it. just note I won’t be flying down with boaters at the gates due to Im not dodging gates that was too nerve racking.. ill be posted at cats paw if you see me don’t be a stranger come up to me, ya’ll can look through the fpv goggles to see inside the quad copters view. Im also going to be taking video’s all weekend with it so if you wanna get a arial close shot going through cats paw and or double drop come by campsite 55 and we will work out a time and details.

    • #5172
      • Total Posts: 18

      No denying it, the boy’s got style!  You’re lookin’ real good in the longboat, Levi. I put this up in my living room to show Michelle some of my favorite lines, perfectly executed.  So much for those top secret race lines…

      Good work at the controls jacobvipers!  The river sure looks pretty from up there.

      • #5173
        • Total Posts: 418

        thanks Means alot to hear that it really does. you haven’t seen anything yet though 🙂 since it was such a good flight Ill be flying lower I just didn’t know the surroundings very well, race time it will be on! I know I really don’t have nothing to worry being on river So If you see me flying (anyone) Don’t pay attention to the quad-copter Give me some sick moves I have bought 5 batteries so Ill be able to take lots of flights race weekend!!!!

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