1st 2019 Race meeting Tues 12/4/18, 7:00 pm at the Olympia

Home Forums General Discussion 1st 2019 Race meeting Tues 12/4/18, 7:00 pm at the Olympia

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    • #13539
      Sally Haywood
      • Total Posts: 28

      The first 2019 Race meeting Tues 12/4/18 at the Olympia Kebob House and Taverna, 7:00 pm (until about 8:30 pm), back room (where we have the bi-monthly MWA meetings), 1543 McCausland Ave, St. Louis, MO 63117.  Our goal is to cause a fun 52nd Annual Missouri Whitewater Championships (MWC), March 22-24, 2019.

      ALL are welcome—new & seasoned! No prior experience necessary (we can train you) for some role to help organize the Races.  This is a great way for new folks engage with the club.

      If you live out of town (or can’t make it to the meeting), we don’t expect you to come in.  We can communicate via phone & email (and perhaps at the MWA holiday party Sat. 12/8th—see other post).

      Thank you for considering helping in some way, and please invite others to participate in the Race preparations & the events.  Folks can indicate here if they’d like to talk about volunteering, https://missouriwhitewater.org/competition/mwc/

      And remember to renew your MWA membership.

      Sally Haywood, 2019 Race Director

      314-374-9206, haywood.sally@gmail.com

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Sally Haywood.
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