Reply To: 2015 Southeast Beginner Trip, Memorial Day Weekend

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Hi this is Di, using Chuck’s sign on!! So we are meeting at the take-out for the Hiawasee on Friday at 10:00am. We can do shuttle to the top and there will be vehicles at the bottom. Then on to Nantahala Friday evening. Sarah will have bunk assignments by the end of the week and hopefully all who needed a bunk got their reservations in (it is over)!!! I see that several folks are coming and have other accommodations. If folks want to boat together on the Nanty then meet up for shuttle by the cabins on top by 09:30am on Saturday. We can make a plan for Sunday when we see how folks skills are, maybe the Pigeon will be possible, or we can just stay at Nantahala. Monday is the Ocoee and homeward bound. If you need directions to the Hiawasse take-out, I will be posting those as the trip gets near (about a week before). We will have fun!! Di McHenry

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