Reply To: MWA PICNIC 11-12 SEPT!

Home Forums General Discussion MWA PICNIC 11-12 SEPT! Reply To: MWA PICNIC 11-12 SEPT!

Louis Becker
  • Total Posts: 25

We are three weeks away from our annual club picnic and meeting. It will be held at the Silvermines campground and pavilion this year, starting Friday night, September 11 and go to Sunday morning.  We will hold a socially distant event, so bring your masks.

We have reserved the group camp site both nights and the pavilion on Saturday.  You are encouraged to also reserve your own additional campsites at

We will have a catered meal Saturday evening, followed by the meeting.  Tickets will have to be purchased from the MWA Store on the MWA website to give us an accurate count for the number of meals to prepare, but the club will supplement a portion of the cost, and we plan to have a vegan option.  We will also provide liquid refreshments.

Maybe the Saint will be up!  But in addition to hiking opportunities, there is also the opportunity to float the Black River near Lesterville.

Additional details will follow as we know more.

Scott Becker, MWA club president

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