Arkansas Canoe Club’s annual School of Whitewater Paddling
May 2 @ 2:00 pm - May 4 @ 5:00 pm
Excellent paddling instruction at many levels. Classes are divided into Whitewater Kayak, Solo Whitewater Canoe, Tandem Whitewater Canoe, Swiftwater Rescue, and Standup Paddleboard.
This annual event is always the weekend that includes the 1st Sunday of May. Registration opens March 1st and often fills up (Click here to Register). Additional information will be sent to registered participants via email and updates will be posted to the ACC Facebook page. If you have other questions, contact the School Director.
Please let the School Director know if you would be willing to volunteer as an instructor, assistant instructor, or support boater. This is a great way to keep up your instruction skills! Note: Family members will not be put in the same group.
Arkansas Canoe Club – School of Whitewater Paddling = details of the 2023 School.