Annual MWA Members event – float trip, dinner, and annual meeting
September 5 - September 7
Always the weekend after Labor Day. Our annual members’ picnic! Join us for camping, paddling and fun, Friday night to Sunday morning.
Details from 2024…
Please RSVP via MWA’s Facebook page.
Location: Akers Ferry group campground, located 20 miles south of Salem, Missouri.
From Salem, take Highway 19 south 4 miles. Turn right on KK-16 miles to Akers Group Campground. The campground is 1/2 mile north of Akers Ferry (junction of Highways K and KK). There are pit toilets and water available, however Note: no campers allowed at this group campsite. The campground is right by the river.
Friday night – set up your campsite and join us for a social gathering.
Saturday – enjoy a float trip and river conservation clean-up on the Upper Current River. Leave from Cedar Grove to Akers campground—estimated 3 hours. If you need to rent a canoe or kayak, try Akers Ferry® Canoe Rental (currentrivercanoe.com). Make your own arrangements (unless you are with TRR).
Saturday dinner, MWA will provide meat. Everyone should bring a side dish. Please indicate on FaceBook if you are coming (to inform the caterer).
After dinner, MWA annual meeting (includes welcoming newly voted officers).
If you haven’t already signed your annual MWA ACA waiver and intend to paddle with us, please sign the waiver here.
Organizer: Kevin (Slim) Olson <slimbo12@hotmail.com>