Clear Creek/Daddy's Creek

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    • #17119
      • Total Posts: 69

      Last year I had planned a club trip to TN to Clear Creek and Daddy’s Creek in April. It was canceled last minute because of Covid. Hoping 2021 is better than last year and that we are all more prepared for Covid. I have made 3 campsite reservations in advance at Frozen Head State park for the weekend of 4/9 thru 4/12. I will be driving down Thursday 4/8. Staying in a Motel that night. Paddle Friday Clear Creek and Saturday Daddy’s Creek for sure. Maybe Paddle the Tellico Sunday. I will likely stay after the group disperses to paddle Monday and Tuesday as well for anyone who wants to stick around. This will be a Intermediate Class 3 and above trip. Mark your Calendars.  The trip is posted on MWA’s Facebook page.  If you have any questions I would suggest commenting on that as I don’t check this board very often.

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by WillPaddle.
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