Home Forums General Discussion MWC Setup March 10, 10AM, Millstream Gardens

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    • #11763
      • Total Posts: 105

      Saturday morning March 10<sup>th</sup>, please meet at 10:00 at the Millstream Gardens pavilion to help run wires for the 51st Annual MWC!

      This year, we will split into three teams. Each team will run wire for six or seven consecutive gates. Each team will have their own team-mates on river right.

      Bring wire cutters, pocket knife, and leather gloves. Wear sturdy shoes for being on the rocks.

      If you are helping for the first time, the team leaders will let you know how you can help. We are grateful for your help!

      If you are a returning helper and have a preference for what you would like to do, for example, work on river right or ferry string across the river, please let me know ahead of time. Post your wishes or feel free to PM me.

      After we finish with setup, hopefully around 1:00, there will be a slalom clinic on four or five gates. It is free for those who help with setup.

      Also, for all who help, there will be a gathering at the Silvermines Group Campground in the evening with complimentary camping and beer provided for those who are 21 and older.

      Check out this MWC primer: https://vimeo.com/124411745 shot and edited by our very own John Niebling.

      Please let me know if you have any questions. THANK YOU! in advance.


      • This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by JoeSartori.
    • #11767
      Mike Warren
      • Total Posts: 21

      Hey Joe:

      I’m planning on being there to help out.  I don’t have any preferences, any kind of beer will do.

      Mike (aka Wyoming Mike)

    • #11775
      • Total Posts: 230

      Have it on my calendar. Bringing my own pruners this year!

    • #11988
      • Total Posts: 105

      Thank you Mike and George! Mike, please plan to work on river right and ferry a ladder across. Please PM me with any questions.

      All others! Thank you in advance! We appreciate your help! Please check in at the Pavillion when you arrive, where I or someone will ask you if you are (1) wanting to work on river left, which does not require getting in your boat, or (2) if you want to ferry string across the river, which requires decent boating skills, or (3) if you want to work on river right, which simply involves a willingness to get into your boating gear and ferry yourself to the other side of the river. We will then pair you up with a team.

      Don’t forget leather gloves to protect your hands, pocket knife, and wire cutters.

      Please see more info below. And, be ready to practice your slalom skills on gates in a nice easy pool above Big Drop after the wires are set.

      I don’t know yet what the adult beverage will be, but I am sure it will taste good after all our hard work paddling and running wires in the great outdoors!

      Thanks again and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.



      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by JoeSartori.
    • #11994
      • Total Posts: 413

      Anyone else getting worried about the water level for the races? Little to no rain in the forecast.

    • #11998
      Jason Robinson
      • Total Posts: 88

      No Worries.   We will make something work.   We are a resourceful BUNCH!

    • #12030
      • Total Posts: 31

      Will be down there tomorrow morning, never been down for  set up before but would be happy to help ferry string across!

    • #12067
      • Total Posts: 105

      Thank you to all who helped with setup yesterday! Your numbers topped 30!!! Special thanks to Jim, Chuck, Slim, and Chris M for leading up the teams and providing sage advice. As one of the most niggling tasks on planet, I observed you all graciously deal with slick rocks, voice-drowning water, and trees whose sole purpose is to thwart wires, string, and people. Hopefully new bonds were formed and old ones strengthened. See you all next weekend!

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