Home Forums General Discussion MWA Picnic 7-8-9 Sept

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    • #13122
      • Total Posts: 679

      Get it on your calendar!  Same place as recent years.  Free for MWA members.  More info coming real soon.

    • #13130
      jon serfas
      • Total Posts: 50

      One month away. I will post more details later this week.  The general theme is BBQ, Floating and Friends. Please get it on your calendar. This year I would like to get a head count. Please respond if you plan to attend.


      Jon Serfas

      Pignic Director

      • #13266
        Louis Becker
        • Total Posts: 25


        I will be there – looking forward to it as well.

        Scott B.

    • #13197
      • Total Posts: 46

      We are planning on going.   Bringing grandkids.

      Di McHenry

    • #13221
      Edward Stevens
      • Total Posts: 2

      Sally Haywood & I, Ed Stevens, plan to be there.

      • #13306
        Edward Stevens
        • Total Posts: 2

        Something has come up and we can not make it this weekend. Have fun! (some family there and expectedly coming through town and want to see them)

    • #13231
      jon serfas
      • Total Posts: 50

      Annual MWA Club Picnic, September 7,8,9, 2017

      Dreyland Camp, Timber, MO

      The weekend I wait for all year. Please join your extended Paddling Family for a wonderful weekend of boating, campfires, BBQ and Old/New friends.

      We are fortunate to again, have the Dreyland Camp on Sinking Creek, courtesy of John Burroughs School. The camp is located near Eminence, close to the Current River, Jacks Fork and beautiful Sinking Creek. The camp is a group of bunkhouses, a showerhouse and restroom, and a main dinning lodge. The Bunkhouses sleep 4-8, depending on how close you like to get. Mattresses are available for all bunks. Bring bedding, sleeping bags or blankets. They do not have electricity. Lanterns and flashlights are good items to bring. There is room for tent campers if you would prefer to sleep in your own tent. The Shower house has hot water, electricity and flush toilets. The Dinning Lodge has an institutional grade kitchen with refrigeration/freezer and seating for all us.

      The Schedule: The Serfas Family will arrive on Friday, the  7th, in the early afternoon, to open the Camp. most folks arrive Friday afternoon/evening and enjoy sitting around the campfire.

      Saturday begins with a lot milling about. This is a time honored MWA tradition, and therefore should not be discouraged or complained about…Until about 10:30ish a.m. By that time, we should have a consensus on where most people are going to paddle, how they’re going to get there and back, etc. PLEASE DO NOT email me, ask me or otherwise try to get me to commit, in any way, to where we will be paddling prior to 10:30ish a.m. on Saturday, the 9th of September. I find it negates the joy I get from the milling about portion of the trip and is generally meaningless, anyway. BBQ will be served Saturday evening, usually around 6:30ish. A keg of good beer usually shows up. Please bring a side dish to share and whatever else you want for the weekend in terms of food and drinks.

      Sunday morning we all pitch in to clean up camp. There are usually a few folks ready to float on Sunday, as well.

      The Cost: Nothing! This is a benefit of your MWA Membership. If you are not a member, have let it lapse or have just forgotten, you can become a member for the low cost of $15 for an individual or $30 for a family. We will be able to make that happen at the picnic. Don’t let your lapsed dues keep you from coming to paddle with your friends! The Weekend is worth every bit of $15. Call your boating friends that never seem to show at the picnic and tell them to come. Not to be a bummer but there are a couple people I wish I could try to talk in to coming to the picnic, this year, and that chance is gone for good. Life is short. Too short for some. My MWA picnic memories are some of my favorites because they were shared with all of you. Sorry, back to fun and games.

      What to Bring: Flashlights/Lanterns, Food and Drinks, Boats and Gear, Sleeping Bags, Fishing Gear, Tent if you want it, Side Dish(es) to Share on Saturday Night.

      Extra Stuff: Dogs are allowed, as long as they are well behaved and get along with other dogs. Please be in charge of your dog. That goes for my wife, as well.

      Please help us stay in good standing with John Burroughs. Respect this beautiful place by leaving it tidier than you found it. Cabins need to be emptied and clean when you leave them. All the supplies necessary are there.

      If you can’t arrive until Saturday and intend to float with the group, try to be at camp by 10 a.m. at the latest.

      Directions are available by emailing me at mailto:jonserfas@gmail.com Please do not post directions on the internet.

      Volunteer Requests: Would anyone like to volunteer to bring 1.) Paper Towels and TP, 2.) Procure the Keg and 3.) Organize and Run the Scavenger Hunt? The club will pay for the expense of these items.

      I think them is the basics. I am more relaxed just writing this. Can’t wait! Email with questions or for directions.

      Jon Serfas

      Your Friendly, Neighborhood Picnic Director

    • #13250
      • Total Posts: 14


      I plan on attending.  I’ll get there Friday evening.  Looking forward to seeing everyone.

      Mark Wehking

    • #13268
      • Total Posts: 54

      <p style=”text-align: right;”></p>
      Betty and I are planning on going. Thanks Jon

    • #13273
      John Niebling
      • Total Posts: 16

      Diane and I are planning on attending.

      Thanks for heading this up again, Mr Serfas!


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by John Niebling.
    • #13284
      • Total Posts: 90

      E and I are gonna be there.

    • #13292
      Sarah Watson
      • Total Posts: 120

      Our family will be there (2 adults, 2 kids).  I think we will come down late Friday evening.

      Sarah Watson

    • #13301
      • Total Posts: 2

      Joe and Charli Craven are planning on attending.  We should arrive Friday evening.  This will be our first picnic.

      Thanks for organizing  everything.

    • #13302
      • Total Posts: 170

      If the forecast from tonight is accurate, will we be able to cross the creek into Dreyland?

    • #13303
      Michael Dee
      • Total Posts: 138

      If you mean the little hollow drainage as you drive in–the one with the concrete slab–you should be fine. Since first visiting the place in 1972 or so, I’ve never not been able to cross it; and I’ve been there in some pretty extreme conditions. It’s very flashy, though, so I can’t make any guarantees about driving out on Sunday morning given the forecast. It might be wise to prepare for a delay on Sunday morning if the storms are as extreme as they’re predicting.

      By the way, we’re asking everyone who visits camp to not write any graffiti on the new benches in the Hanson Pavilion or anywhere on the new Barhorst Shelter. I doubt this will be an issue for MWA folks, though. One recent graduate of Burroughs wrote a message to his little sister on one of the tables–please feel free to sand it off!




    • #13305
      Sarah Watson
      • Total Posts: 120

      I’m really sorry to miss it, but I  think we’re going to stay home.  Sorry for bailing at the last minute, just not sure about the weather with the kids.  Hope you all have a great weekend!!

      Sarah Watson

    • #13307
      • Total Posts: 57

      I’ll be there.  Most likely arriving tomorrow morning (Saturday).  Hope for rain!!!!   Wahoo

    • #13311
      • Total Posts: 2

      Having car issues, hope to make it tomorrow.


    • #13338
      • Total Posts: 679

      THANK YOU Jon Serfas for another great picnic.  Family of Warrens had a great time.  Worst case weather did not occur, and it turned into a beautiful thing.  As usual.  Friday overnight rain brought up Sinking Creek to levels we haven’t seen before, and that was also great.  Plus my kid caught the biggest fish of the weekend – if I remember accurately it was a 2′-3′ long small mouth bass, but it gets larger with every recollection.

      Looking forward to next year already.  Paddle on.

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