Home Forums General Discussion Managing your profile

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    • #545
      • Total Posts: 24

      Your profile page allows you to do a variety of things in this site including updating your personal information and profile photo, sending/reading private messages, and reviewing any other activity associated with your account.

      To access your profile, login in the top right and click on the dropdown menu profile.
      In your profile you will see the following links: Activity, Profile, Notifications, Messages, Forums, Settings.

      To add a profile pic (called an “avatar”), do the following:
      1. Click on Profile under the dropdown menu under your name
      2. Click on “Change Avatar”
      3. Click Choose File ( New window will open, choose a file on your computer )
      4. Click Upload File
      5. Once uploaded, you will be instructed to crop the picture. Adjust as needed and click “Crop” to save.

      To make changes or read/send messages, just click on the appropriate link. Actions associated to each section of your profile will appear under the main list of links. For example, Forums (aka Message Boards) has Topics Started, Replies Created, Favorites, and Subscriptions.

      Go explore.


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