Lost BOOF; Cascades Carnage

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    • #1738
      • Total Posts: 313

      Went down to the Nantahala for the Cascades release this weekend and seemed to have misplaced my half-ass boof that sometimes gets me outta trouble…

      First run down something just didn’t feel right.  Came off big Kahuna off balance and missed a few roles.  Finally rolled up and immediately broached in Junk Yard.

      I then penciled in off chinese feet and when I rolled up the left hole had pulled me in.


      Round 2, not so pretty.  Was off line going into the horns, got tangled up in the top hole, which has always been my worse fear.  Hit a clutch roll and was fortunate to still be on line for a one-stroke off the tongue (penciled that too)

      Finally, got to Kahuna again.  I was determined to drive to the right of the drop after the slide, where I have had good success before.  at the last moment, another boater appeared, forcing me to commit to the left line.  Again, forgot a boof stroke, plugged the drop and stuck in it like glue.   It felt like forever while I was holding the brace, just waiting for the string of 4 or 5 boaters to come piling on top of me…

      I almost immediately realized I’d be better off upside down than hanging in a side surf.  Apparently, I ducked under at the perfect time.  Photographer on shore caught one boater boofing clear over my front deck and another seemingly landing directly on my head upon my second roll.

      Once out, I swam like a dog to shore to avoid the infamous junkyard.


      All said and done, for having a rough day, the whole Big Kahuna incident could have been far worse!

      Beater with pride!!


      • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by CJW4D.
    • #1742
      • Total Posts: 18

      Yowwwch bud!! Big Kahuna looks so rowdy. Is there a good lip or a flake or anything? or are you just stuck with a water boof no matter where you are? glad you made it out in one piece.

      • #1747
        • Total Posts: 313

        Hmm,   I have yet to really dial it in.  It seems to be a big water boof no matter where you come off the drop.  The left line reminds me very much of Soc’ Em Dog on the Section IV… A stacked up foam pile that can make for 1) the most ideal, sweet boof  or 2) a mistime stroke accelerating you deep in the hole aha.

        One thing is for sure, when the good boaters hit that drop right, it looks so saaaweeeet!!!!


        Ill be back for revenge!

    • #1757
      Benjamin Ford
      • Total Posts: 5

      Dude what are you talking about beatering!? The Oregon Tuck is totally in this season! And to top it off with a Say Hi To The Fish! You straight styled it! 10 pts! Gryffindor wins the house cup!

    • #1758
      Benjamin Ford
      • Total Posts: 5
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