Home Forums General Discussion drysuit advice

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    • #13870
      jeff clawges
      • Total Posts: 83

      Hi, Anyone have any experience with the Stolquist EZ drysuit. I like the price point 😉 – Thanks


    • #13871
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      Hey, man. I’m not usually one to hate on a brand, but the price is low for a good reason. From my experience Stohlquists drysuit delaminate quickly and will only keep you comfortable for a couple of seasons. Others may have a different experience, but I’d recommend checking out immersion research or kokotat. IR is more reasonably priced, and I like my Arch Rival drysuit, but I know everyone loves Kokotat and their warranty. The more you spend now, the less you’ll spend replacing it down the road. Cheers.

    • #13872
      • Total Posts: 41


      That’ what I have, it keeps me mostly dry.  A small trickle gets in at the neck if upside down.  I’ve used it for probably 60 days total and it’ still fine.  But like Levi said I don’ expect it to last forever, if it hadn’t been on clearance for $250 I wouldn’t have got it.

    • #13874
      jeff clawges
      • Total Posts: 83

      Thanks, I have a level 6 top with some 20 year old stolquist drypants that I put some new gaskets on. Pretty much a damp suit now. I want that confidence of not having to worry about getting wet.


    • #13876
      • Total Posts: 41

      I wouldn’t say I get wet, a few drips in the neck gasket.  I would tell you to go kokotat, but it’ what you want out of it.  I get out enough, whatever I have won’t get the proper care.  It’s usually left in my truck in case I stop after work somewhere and it doesn’t get hung up til it warms up.  So for me cheaper and replace after a few years is probably better.

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