Reply To: 2015 Southeast Beginner Trip, Memorial Day Weekend

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Emilee Wentz-Franke
  • Total Posts: 4

It was great getting to boat with yall this weekend, special thanks to…

(and everyone not listed as well, obviously I love you most, no need to write you down)


Nate, Rachel & Natalie- outstanding boater crew and blanket forts

Julie and Mom- pitt crew extraordinaire/shuttle bunnies/paparazzi

Bilbo- all things put together/beverage chooser/boat doctor
Dad- sweep pro/father duckling/drysuit importer

Jason, dan, chris, brandon, steve- nanty marathon day/surfing machines/ducky belly flop entertainment (& of course our Coronita shuttle bunny)

Flyshoot- bro time/boater education/somuch quality dental talk we should write off this trip
Tracy n byron- rapid namers and line makers

Ladi di- mover n shaker/ultimate organizer/mama duck

Orange n yellow boat paddlers- great river company

Yellow open boat- best perfect line at diamond splitter


With famous guest appearances by…

Raymond- morning views n late night chats

Cindy n Ryan- Best hug ever. Best trip tales.

Garrett- safety boater/paddle catcher/local boater representation


Hope to see you all on the river again soon! (Come on out to Washington)



Emilee & Matt

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