Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Southeast Beginner Trip, Memorial Day Weekend Reply To: 2015 Southeast Beginner Trip, Memorial Day Weekend

Sarah Watson
  • Total Posts: 120

The Southeast Trip is really coming together!  Diane McHenry will be trip leader (THANK YOU, DI!!!) , she can be reached at 5 seven 3 – 915 – seven 4 zero 4.  The group will be paddling the Hiawasse Friday, the Nantahala on Saturday and Sunday, and the advanced boaters will do the Ocoee on Monday.  So far there are 18 folks going on the trip, with 10 of those staying in the bunkhouses.  There are 8 bunks left.  Below are the folks I have staying in the bunkhouses.

Wentz Family (4)

McHenrys (2)

Hendersons (2)

Abby Johnson

Dan Bollinger

Reminder, payment must be received by this Saturday to reserve a bunk.  I will be handling the reservations at NOC, if you have questions about the rivers, you may contact Di.  If you’re not sure who to contact, feel free to contact me and I’ll try to find you an answer!


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