Greetings! I’m running for the position of MWA Non-Officer Board Member, also known as the
“Member at Large”. Just like the job title says, the person is a member of the MWA Board of
Directors, but not an officer (VP, Secretary, etc.). Historically, the job was created to help
maintain continuity for newly elected Boards, and was often filled by the outgoing President. It
also serves to provide transparency for all MWA members into the workings of the Board. Along
with attending meetings and working with the other Board members, the only specific duty of
this position is to perform an annual audit of the Treasurer’s books.
I have the experience and the skillset, along with the enthusiasm and persistence, to perform
these (sometimes mundane) duties. I’ve been paddling since 1987, still in the same Perception
Dancer! Since then I’ve been a contributing member of MWA – as an officer or Board member
for the majority of those years, and as the race director, event organizer and club volunteer. I
was Treasurer for 9 years, and for the past 11 years I’ve been assisting our most recent
Treasurers, Scott Becker and Steve Janney. And I was honored to be selected as an MWA Life
Member in 1996. You can usually find me paddling the Saint on warm, sunny weekdays in the
Spring, in the scoring tent on race weekends (don’t interrupt us!), and urban cycling with the
TNR group on Tuesdays (all are welcome – come join us!).
For those of you who know me well, this may be the shortest message I’ve ever written! So if
you’d like more details about me or my background or our 2 years living in Costa Rica, please
feel free to contact me at: Meanwhile, I’d appreciate your support
and your vote in this election.
– jw